Ann Arbor Event Aggregator


Status: I am continuing to build out functionality in the system. No beta release as of yet,
Bare minimum, before release, I want the system to have a large number of accurate events, working consistently well,
and have adequate administrative tools so I can tell at a glance if things are wrong, and be able to do something about it.
When These conditions are met, I am willing to have people start using it as beta testers.
I will then send out beta links to all the event providers that responded and allowed me to include their events.
They will have the first chance to try out the search and make sure their events are displaying in a way that is accpectable to them.
After recieving and acting upon feedback, I will release the search link to everyone.

2-21-25 More functionality in Event Manager. Can now easily exclude events from being searchable if it is needed.
2-15-25 Working on admin tools. Building Event Manager page. 2-8-25 New Page Notification Admin tool. Allows easily adding notifications to the top of pages if I need to, for whatever reason.
1-30-25 Advanced Search Page mostly fully working. Allows event searching on many new fields and in new ways.
1-19-24 Added better Unauthorized page instead of always just redirecting back to login. New page better explains when areas are accessible or not.
1-19-24 Split 'advanced search' into it's own section away from main UI. think i'll just require 'basic' login to access advanced search.
1-14-24 Now Scraping all upcoming Penny Stamp Speaker events.
1-5-24 Created branded Cognito domains auth.a2ea.com, auth.a3ea.com for login redirect, instead of the messy AWS urls.
1-4-25 Restricted access to some of the admin and user specific sections, this allows in future to put personalized and better debug and administrative functions in website.
1-4-25 Can now create users, login, logout. Some day, users, 100% optionally, can set up custom event notifications via their accounts, and other cool things.
1-3-25 Cognito Set up to handle user management.
1-2-25 AWS SES set up to allow for transactional email notifications (email verification or password reset messages).
12-24-24 Now Scraping Events hosted by Spark.
12-20-24 The way system scrapes and retains data for past events is more consistant and configurable.
12-20-24 More responsive search page. Page more cleanly prevents searching on dates that are not allowed.
12-19-24 Now Scraping reccuring events from Circ Bar
12-19-24 Fixed bugs with reccuring event scraper type
12-1-24 Added Run Details into scraper admin page. Helps better see at a glance if something isnt scraping.
11-31-24 Events can now be multiple event types, and the scraper system that catigorizes them works slightly better
11-30-24 Now Scraping AAComedyShowcase Shows
11-23-24 Now scraping UOM College Sports (basic data only, not totally happy with quality of the data source)
11-10-24 Upgraded adminstrative tools, now better visibility from admin page when system/scrapers are unhealthy.
11-02-24 Website now secure with HTTPS. Urls like http:// now route to the https:// version of the site
11-01-24 Adding intelligent caching to search page
10-26-24 Trying to search and browse events on a phone is now slightly less awful
10-26-24 Built Buildscripts to Bulk Deploy all the Utility Lambda functions at once
10-20-24 Built UOM Scraper, may add more sections to this gradually to gather data from more subsections
10-20-24 Added Time to the dates which can search between
10-19-24 Built 'The Ark'' and 'The Blind Pig'' scrapers
10-19-24 Ajax-ified the search page, no more full page refreshes, back button works in browser and able to do a couple cooler ui things now.
10-14-24 Search page UI Improvements and new advanced search section that dosnt work yet
10-14-24 Setup new A2EA Email address so people wont bother me at my personal email
10-13-24 Added support for events that do not have an end time.
10-13-24 Now getting data for UMS Events
9-27-24 Added support for importing and searching multi-Day events
9-27-24 Built tool to allow manually entering events outside of the scraper system
9-27-24 Now getting data for AA Disctrict Library Events
9-20-24 Website UI Updates 9-15-24 Split everything into 2 enviroments, Test and Prod for the website/database/scrapers/Aws Setup/configurations/etc.. more time consuming than it sounds.
9-15-24 Created a Production Database
9-15-24 Now getting data for A2gov events
9-15-24 Scrapers database created
9-08-24 Built Winform Tool to help with the process of running/building/troubleshooting scrapers
9-08-24 Refactored base classes to allow for storing more data types about events
9-08-24 Consolidation and DocumentDBData TestData lambdas are built and scheduled to run daily.
9-08-24 Added a favicon
9-01-24 Scheduled DocumentDBData_Lambda to run a test record into the scraper database once per day.
9-01-24 Made public subnet, internet gateway, nat gateway, private subnet and now lambda functions can be configured,
if needed, to 'see' the internet
9-01-24 Created lambda to test internet access.
8-24-24 Created logo and styles/fonts
8-24-24 Built basic datascraper, got it to run locally
8-23-24 Website can now get data out of the db, (with SSL certificates)
8-17-24 Website hosted and working on the domain name
8-16-24 Set up load balancers, and private subnets
8-16-24 Built Test lambda to add some data into the db when ran
8-16-24 Successfully pushed a Lambda task from local into AWS via scripts (no more manually copying files)
8-16-24 Built basic lambda function "MyFirstLambdaFunction" which runs when test fired from AWS
8-16-24 Set up Basic Database, able to add a record in there as test data
8-10-24 Started project