Ann Arbor Event Aggregator
This section will be the place to put status updates.10-14-24 Setup new contact Email address 10-13-24 Added support for events without end times.
10-13-24 Now getting data for UMS Events
9-27-24 Added support for multi-Day events
9-27-24 Built tool to allow manually entering events outside of the scraper system
9-27-24 Now getting data for AA Disctrict Library Events
Website upgrade
Split the Test and Prod website/database enviroment.
Created ProdDb
Now getting data for A2gov events
Scrapers database created
Built Winform Tool for running/building scrapers
Refactored base classes to allow for storing many new types of data about events
Consolidation and testdata lambdas are built and scheduled to run daily.
Added a favicon
Scheduled DocumentDBData_Lambda to run a test record into the scraper database once per day.
Created lambda to test internet access.
Made public subnet, internet gateway, nat gateway, private subnet and got lambda functions to see internet
Created logo and styles/fonts
Built basic datascraper, got it to run locally
Website can now get data out of the db, (with SSL certificates)
Website hosted and working on the domain name
Set up load balancers, and private subnets
Built Test lambda to add some data into the db when ran
was able to push the task and get it running
--AWS Lambda--
Built basic lambda function "MyFirstLambdaFunction" which runs when test fired from aws
--Document DB--
set up Database, added a record in there as test data